
The Priority App
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The Project

So much to do. So little time. So make an app and a brand that can organise endless to-do lists by priority. A simple algorithm measures and learns tasks by their importance and urgency to help users focus on what's impactful and discard whats extraneous.

A Simple Brand Mark
A standout digital avatar
A standout name & logomark
A digital avatar that spoke to our brand assurance
A look and feel that spread across digital

Every tech project has its complications. Studio Amer were ahead of them in a way that always bore out. We were able to be hands off and just enjoy every presentation and launch.

Eddy Y.
Founder, CEO
A flexible design system for loud and quiet UX moments
Animated illustration language bringing life across tounchpoints
A standout immediately recognisable visual language
The Result

With strong user uptake and retention, the app, but moreover the potential for the brand attracted interest from parnters on neighbouring industries. Eventually securing acquisition in the HR sector.